Friends, 100%.

Applying makeup straight on to your skin - pimples and all - you’ll only spread the breakout, contaminate the area, and clogg the infection with more debris and dirt. The lasttttttt thing you want.

But we get it - you need to leave the house. So, we got you - with an A++++++ plan.

1: Clean, tone, and serum your face.

2: Put the pimple patch on.

3: Do your makeup as normal. Or as abnormal as you like; you do you.

Why is this three step plan an A++++++ plan?

Here are three awesome reasons why:

- You can discreetly cover your pimple, even when it rears its ugly head.

- You can actively do something about your breakout - without having to do much at all.

- You can remove the sticker and pimple without damaging or scarring your skin.

Pimple patched friend or foe 2

For more awesome reasons, you can read about our BFF pimple patch here.

Or try it for yourself and mimic this gif of Kristen Bell.